Involving Youth in Positive Youth Development, a federally run platform, “helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs: “Involving Youth in Positive Youth Development.”, a federally run platform, “helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs: “Involving Youth in Positive Youth Development.”
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) shares: “SEL Trends: Empowering Youth Voice”
Search Institute (a nonprofit research organization that promotes positive youth development and advances equity): – Student Voice Empowered to Transform Education
And a variety of national organizations have published journal articles and resources showing the priority of youth voice, including: Search Institute (a nonprofit research organization that promotes positive youth development
The National Institute for Out of School Time names youth voice as a priority in their Afterschool Program Assessment System and how “including youth in the development and evaluation of
The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality names Youth Voice as a key element in assessing for Youth Program Quality.
Youth Voice is an evidence- and research-based “best practice” in the field of youth development. In Georgia, youth voice is a named standard of quality in the Georgia Afterschool &