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College and Career Readiness

The Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network and Voices for Georgia’s Children are excited to announce October 22, 2015 as Georgia’s Lights On Afterschool Day! This event, which is part of the nationwide Afterschool Alliance’s 16th annual Lights On Afterschool, calls attention to the importance of afterschool programs and the resources required to keep the lights on and the doors open.

On October 22nd, afterschool programs from across the state will celebrate the positive impacts that Georgia’s afterschool programs have on youth’s lives, while Georgia’s families, communities, and leaders will be invited visit afterschool programs where they can meet staff members, engage with students and witness the quality learning that Georgia’s afterschool programs provide.

On this Page:

Career Readiness

Ready for Work? How Afterschool Programs Can Support Employability Through Social and Emotional Learning 

This brief defines employability skills with a focus on social and emotional competencies and presents research on why they are important. The brief also explains how the expanded learning setting can support social and emotional learning.

College Preparation

Promoting College Persistence 

  1. Partnering for Success: The Role of Afterschool in College Persistence
  2. College Persistence: Summary of Research
  3. College Prep Milestones: A Guide for Afterschool Practitioners 
  4. The College Prep Programming Assessment Tool (CPPAT)