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The Power of OST in Georgia

This new resource includes policy recommendations, out-of-school time funding sources and state agencies, as well as an overview of how some of Georgia’s largest OST providers put Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time (BOOST) Grant funding to work for Georgia’s youth.


The BOOST Year 1 Impact Brief

In July 2021, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) partnered with the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network (GSAN), a public-private collaborative that has worked alongside and supported Georgia’s afterschool and summer learning field for over 15 years, to establish the Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time (BOOST) grants program. GSAN administers this three-year competitive grant to distribute approximately $85 million to Georgia communities on behalf of GaDOE.


The BOOST Year 2 Impact Brief

In 2021, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) partnered with the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network (GSAN) to develop the Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time (BOOST) grants program, funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. BOOST was developed to distribute approximately $85 million to Georgia’s communities over three years to expand access to and bolster the quality of summer enrichment opportunities and comprehensive afterschool programming for K-12 youth statewide.


Practical Guidance: What Nonprofits Need to Know About Lobbying in Georgia

Created by the Alliance for Justice in partnership with the Democracy Capacity Project, Bolder Advocacy’s Practical Guidance – What Nonprofits Need to Know About Lobbying state law resource series is designed to help nonprofits determine if lobbying rules in their state might apply to their state or local work, and if they do, how best to navigate them!


Tools and Opportunities

How to Host a Successful Legislative Site Visit 

Inviting your legislators to tour your afterschool or summer learning program gives them a firsthand experience of the impact afterschool has on students, families, and communities. Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to hosting a successful site visit with your legislator!


Afterschool Day at the Capitol

Afterschool Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for us to bring awareness to the critical role afterschool and summer learning programs play in supporting Georgia’s youth. Get ready for ADAC 2025 with these resources.


Lights On Afterschool

This nationwide event celebrates afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families, and communities. It draws attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering them opportunities to explore interests and build new skills. Find your way to participate in 2024!


Summer Learning Week

National Summer Learning Week is a celebration dedicated to elevating the importance of keeping kids learning, safe, and healthy every summer, and ensuring they return to school ready to succeed in the year.


Policy and Advocacy

The Ask:

Ask members of the House Appropriations Education Subcommittee to:

  1. Fund afterschool and summer enrichment programs by re-upping the Georgia Dept. of Education’s BOOST grans funding (suggested funding $20 million a year); and,
  2. Create an Out-of-School Time liaison position, preferably in the GaDOE to coordinate OST policy across the three state agencies that handle OST programs: GaDOE, Dept. of Human Services, and Dept. of Early Care and Learning.

The Why:

The BOOST 2.0 Grant Program, (housed at the Georgia Department of Education) will build off the existing infrastructure and partnerships of BOOST. This will:

  • Create a statewide framework that expands access to and assures quality of afterschool and summer learning opportunities.
  • Prioritize funding support to OST programs that serve vulnerable youth, such as those who are economically disadvantaged, have a disability, and English language learners.
  • Use existing state infrastructure to provide training and technical assistance to OST providers fiscal administration, quality measurement, program effectiveness, and provider leadership.
  • Leverage program evaluation and evidence collection strategies embedded within the BOOST grant to determine how to best serve current and prospective afterschool and summer learning providers in the future.

The Message:

Dear Representative _____,

I have two requests related to afterschool and summer enrichment funding. First, please include money in the FY25 budget to continue the afterschool and summer enrichment funding known as BOOST (Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time) grants. Also, please include funding for an interagency out-of-school-time liaison at the GaDOE to coordinate the OST policies across the three state agencies that house programs and dollars related to out-of-school time programming. The federal COVID relief dollars that created BOOST are running out and BOOST has been key to student success in academic recovery, mental health, and child wellbeing. These programs are crucial in helping working parents work without concerns about the safety and nurturing of their school-aged children.

Demand for afterschool programs is high. For every child in an afterschool program in Georgia, an estimated 2 more are waiting to get in, and supports for kids in afterschool and summer enrichment improve literacy and learning, youth mental health and behaviors, and vital career-ready skills. Thank you for your consideration of these requests and thank you for all you do every day on behalf of Georgia’s children and families.


For every kid in an afterschool program, two more are waiting to get in. Afterschool, summer, and other expanded learning opportunities give young people a chance to make the most of those hours. The hands-on and engaging learning that takes place outside school hours can spark new interests, lead to positive youth outcomes, and plays a crucial role for Georgia’s families and students.

GSAN seeks to increase access to afterschool and summer learning programs for all Goergia’s children and youth and to ensure that those programs are offering high-quality services. We make recommendations related to federal and state afterschool policies, track federal and state legislation affecting afterschool and youth, and keep our network informed of important issues in the afterschool field.

It is not lobbying if you are reaching out to a Congressman and telling them all the great things your program does and how much it supports the community. However, it is considered lobbying if you are: Directly reaching out to a Congressman; With a point of view (i.e. 21st CCLC is good!); AND Referencing a piece of legislation (a budget bill).