Home > Resources > Organizational Practices

Effective program management and administration is an important part of a quality afterschool program. Resources on this page range from staffing to professional development to engaging parents. Once you have gotten your program off the ground, the work is not over. These resources will help programs ensure that they are effective and sustainable.

Staffing & Professional Development

Human Resources: Staffing Out-of-School Time Programs in the 21st Century National Institute on Out-of-School Time

Using Professional Development to Enhance Staff Retention National Institute on Out-of-School Time 

Resource Center: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Planning Considerations for Afterschool Professional Development National Institute on Out-of-School Time

Resource Center: STEM Professional Development Afterschool Alliance

Afterschool Professional Development: Resources, Outcomes, and Considerations New York State Afterschool Network

Staffing Practices of High-Quality After-School Programs The After-School Corporation for Cornerstones for Kids

Afterschool Professional Learning Resource Center Foundations

Professional Development Article Hub National Afterschool Association

TurnkeyPD National Afterschool Association

Series of professional development resources designed to help leaders build specific core knowledge and competencies of afterschool youth development professionals

Supporting a Strong Out-of-School Time Workforce: An Introduction to the Out-of-School Time (OST) Professional Development System Building Toolkit & Webinar National Center for Afterschool and Summer Enrichment

Data & Evaluation

Looking at the Data: Afterschool Programs Using Data to Better Serve Students Afterschool Alliance

Youth Program Quality Assessment and School-Age Program Quality Assessment Center for Youth Program Quality

Assessment of Programs Practices Tool National Insititute on Out-of-School Time

America After 3PM Afterschool Alliance

A decade of data highlighting the trends of afterschool program participation, documenting the benefits associated with participation in afterschool programs, and measuring public support for afterschool programs

Afterschool Evaluation 101: How to Evaluate an Expanded Learning Program Harvard Family Research Project

Out-of-School Time Program Evaluation: Tools for Action Northwest Regional Education Laboratory

A Guide to Issues and Strategies for Monitoring Attendance in Afterschool and Other Youth Programs The Afterschool Project

Webinar: OST Data and Evaluation: Collecting and Sharing Data to Support Communities Harvard Family Research Project

Logic Models in Out-of-School Time Programs: What Are They and Why Are They Important? Child Trends


Family Engagement

Afterschool Training Toolkit: Involving Day Schools, Families, and Communities National Center for Quality Afterschool

Focus on Families: How to Build and Support Family-Centered Practices in After School Harvard Family Research Project

Family-School Partnership Program Georgia Department of Education

Videos: Family Engagement Storytelling Project Cambridge Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time

Engaging Families in Out-of-School Time Programs Toolkit Build the Out-of-School Time Network

Increasing Family and Parent Engagement in Afterschool The After-School Corporation

Making Parents and Families Feel Welcomed and Valued Build the Out-of-School Time Network

Changing the Game in STEM with Family Engagement STEM Next Opportunity Fund

Summer Learning Fun: Tips for Parents and Caregivers National Center on Afterschool and Summer Engagement


Social Media Tips, Tricks and Best Practices Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network

Ten Strategies for Effective Communication in Afterschool National Afterschool Association

Toolbox: Marketing Afterschool Afterschool Alliance

Strengthening Partnerships and Building Public Will for Out-of-School Time Programs National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families

Social Media Tools for Afterschool Afterschool Alliance

Beginners Guide to Online Marketing for Your Afterschool Program National Afterschool Association

Educators’ Guide VOX ATL