GCAPP Youth Advisory Council job description & application
GCAPP Youth Advisory Council job description & application
GCAPP Youth Advisory Council job description & application
GUIDE Youth Advisory Board job description
VOX youth board job description & recruitment process (& bylaws that meet GA law for trustee 18+ and also provide for meaningful youth engagement)
How can a program budget be inspired and informed by youth voices? Youth voice in budgeting starts with asking for input — and training youth what a program or organizations’
Icebreakers, Virtual and In-Person (easily youth-led/adult-supported activities)
youth.gov, a federally run platform, “helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs: “Involving Youth in Positive Youth Development.”
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) shares: “SEL Trends: Empowering Youth Voice”
The National Institute for Out of School Time names youth voice as a priority in their Afterschool Program Assessment System and how “including youth in the development and evaluation of
The National Institute for Out of School Time names youth voice as a priority in their Afterschool Program Assessment System and how “including youth in the development and evaluation of