Hear from youth: healing-centered environments
Hear from youth in this video about why and how a healing-centered environment is critical today.
Hear from youth in this video about why and how a healing-centered environment is critical today.
A teen’s guide to putting the FUN in fundraising
Example video of youth voice in welcoming peers to a space
Seven recommended strategies from teens for “easy access points” incorporating more youth voice into your programming. (If you prefer to read the teens’ tips, click here.)
Let’s talk about the language of youth development – In this video, teens share how some of the language of youth development impacts them personally — and offer suggestions to
Teens speak out about opportunities & barriers – In this video teens discuss who gets and who doesn’t get opportunities — and how quality youth-development organizations play an important role
Click here to hear from young people as they define youth voice, how youth voice is critical to Diversity Equity and Inclusion — and Belonging — and what makes them