As COVID-19 has temporarily changed the landscape of afterschool across the country, programs across Georgia are rising to the challenge to continue to provide meaningful engagement and services for young people and their families. As your work evolves, we hope to provide resources and opportunities to best support you and your programs during this time. Here you will find virtual professional development opportunities, avenues for virtually engaging with youth, resources to pass along to parents and families with youth at home, policy updates, funding information, and self-care strategies.
For more resources, please visit our partners' websites: Voices for Georgia’s Children, Afterschool Alliance, National AfterSchool Association, and National Summer Learning Association.
Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Daily Status Report
Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency
Georgia Department of Labor COVID-19 Information
Georgia’s COVID-19 Hotline: (844) 442-2681
Georgia Crisis and Access Line: 1-800-715-4225
Afterschool Policy Updates and Advocacy Resources
State Updates
2020 Executive Orders
You can find Governor Kemp’s latest Executive Orders relating to COVID-19 here.
Policy Tracker
This guide outlines what our child-serving agencies are doing to mitigate the challenges presented by this pandemic as well as lay out recommendations for actions still in progress. We note key policies that can help children and families and highlight the legislative or regulatory levers that enable them. Because policies, waivers, and directives are rapidly being approved, these charts are living documents.
If you would like to access more policy changes that affect the overall well-being of children, please visit our partner’s, Voices for Georgia’s Children, COVID-19 Response & Policy Recommendations.
Federal Updates
The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act
Passed on March 6 with over $8 billion in emergency funding for federal agency responses to COVID-19, largely supporting vaccine research & development and the CDC.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Passed on March 18, which supports families with paid sick leave and unemployment benefits, food assistance, and free COVID-19 testing.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)
Passed on March 27, a $2.3 trillion emergency relief package that directs aid to families, hospitals, businesses, and states, including a one-time cash payment directly to individuals.
If you would like to learn more about how these laws could support children and families, please click here to access our partner’s, Voices for Georgia’s Children, easy-to-read-summary.
Advocacy Resources
How Afterschool Supports Georgia’s Students’ Learning Needs
Overview of afterschool programs supporting Georgia’s youth and families during COVID-19 and how partnering with afterschool can support schools in addressing students’ needs.
Partnering with Schools to Reopen
Email and letter template for afterschool providers to partner with schools in their efforts to reopen during the fall.
Coordinating Student Grouping to Limit Spread
Comparison of schools that coordinate student grouping with afterschool providers vs. schools that do no coordinate with afterschool providers.
Afterschool Is Essential for COVID-19 Recovery
The afterschool field is an essential part of the nationwide community response to the coronavirus pandemic, and programs continue to play a critical role throughout recovery as our states reopen for business.
A Blueprint for How Afterschool Programs & Community Partners Can Help
Five essential building blocks to support the social, emotional, and academic learning of all young people as schools reopen.
Afterschool Staff as Support
Schools can use afterschool staff as utility players that can take on additional tasks to help them open and operate safely.
Providers Offering Full Day In Person Programming to School Age Children
Sample email template for afterschool providers offering full day in person programming to partner with schools and support distance learning.
Supporting Student Learning with ESSER funding
A tool to encourage LEAs to consider how ESSER funds may be used for afterschool and summer learning programs to support student learning.
Holistic Ways ESSER Funds Can Combat Learning Loss
A framework for holistic ways ESSER Funds can be used to address learning loss.
Guidance for Afterschool, Summer Camp, Child Care, and Schools
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL)
Interim Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidance for Child Care Settings
The following practices align with CDC guidelines for open child care programs during the COVID-19 health crisis and should be implemented by all open and reopening child care programs until further notice to assist the programs in compliance with the Executive Order issued on May 12, 2020.
Interim Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidance for Day Camp Settings
The following practices align with CDC guidelines for open day camp programs during the COVID-19 health crisis and should be implemented by all open and reopening day camp programs until further notice to assist the programs in compliance with the Executive Order issued May 12, 2020.
American Camp Association
Helpful resources including a field guide designed to provide camp directors and staff with a practical guide and tool kit to implement specific recommendations provided by the CDC in relation to risk reduction at camps.
Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE)
Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools
Georgia Department of Education’s guidance to support districts and communities in determining their plans and strategies for reopening schools.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Considerations for Youth and Summer Camps
Comprehensive list of considerations to assist directors and administrators in making re-opening decisions.
Youth Programs and Camps Decision Tool
Public Health considerations for reopening youth programs and camps during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interim Guidance for Resuming School and Day Camp
For programs that are planning to re-open.
CDC Interim Guidance for Schools and Childcare Programs
This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
CDC Guidance for Child Care Programs That Remain Open
This information is intended for child care programs that remain open, and should be used in conjunction with CDC’s guidance for administrators of child care programs and K-12 schools (above). This guidance does not supersede state and local laws and policies for child care programs.
National AfterSchool Association
The Institute for Childhood Preparedness, in conjunction with NAA and many of its State Affiliates, board members, and partners, has compiled guidance for establishing emergency child care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resulting document was developed in an effort to make child care and afterschool operations as safe as possible.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Guidance and resources for Youth Organizations focused on getting kids back to being kids. This guidance is not meant to replace recommendations from local and state agencies on when to open, but rather to provide additional support and insight.
Economic Assistance and Funding
COVID-19 Response Funds
Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund
The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the United Way of Greater Atlanta fund to support those most vulnerable to the economic and health-related impacts caused by COVID-19. They are continually assessing needs and gaps in delivering essential services to the children and families in the Greater Atlanta region. Participate in their Digital Listening Session to let them know what your organization is doing and inform their plan on how to deploy resources effectively and efficiently.
United Way of Southwest Georgia
COVID-19 Community Relief Fund specifically for Southwest Georgia.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Funds by county.
Financial Supports for Georgia Childcare Providers
Federal & state funds, public benefits, private grants, relevant resources. Keep checking back. Updates ongoing.
COVID-19 Emergency School Nutrition Funding
GENYOUth is providing grants of up to $3,000 per school to supply much-needed resources for meal distribution and delivery efforts to get food to students during COVID-19.
Peace First COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants 2020
Community COVID Youth-Led Project Mini-Grants to help young people around the world lead projects that address community impacts of COVID-19, from providing meals to elderly neighbors to launching digital mental health campaigns to support youth feeling isolated.
Resources for Financial Assistance
Georgia Department of Labor
For employers required to file employer filed (partial) claims online on behalf of their full and part-time employees whenever it is necessary to temporarily reduce work hours or there is no work available due to COVID-19.
SBA 7(a) Paycheck Protection Program
Nonprofits and small businesses with fewer than 500 employees eligible for loans to meet payroll and other qualifying costs. Much of the loan is forgivable if you keep staff on payroll during the loan period (currently March 1 through June 30).
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans
EID loans offering up to $2M in assistance are already available on a first-come, first-served basis to nonprofits to help overcome temporary loss in revenue caused by COVID-19. These loans are similar to other disaster relief loans and do not include loan forgiveness.
Financial Management Resources
Wallace Foundation
– Library of resources to help your organization become “fiscally fit.”
– Navigating COVID-19 for Nonprofits: From Financial Triage to Scenario Planning
Fiscal Management Associates
– Tools and resources for navigating the Paycheck Protection Program
Resources for Food Assistance
FoodFinder is a safe, secure mobile and web app that gives food-insecure children and their families a way to find free food assistance programs quickly.
Georgia Foodbank Association
Foodbanks by region in Georgia.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Georgia: COVID-19 Waivers & Flexibilities across 15 nutrition programs: WIC, SNAP, Afterschool Activity, etc.
Virtual Professional Development
GSAN Webinars
Maintaining the Physical and Behavioral Health of Children – Hear from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Experts (On-Demand)
Learn about infection control and behavioral health supports and the resiliency of youth from experts, Dr. Andi L. Shane, Chief of Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Jody Baumstein, Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
From Sustainability to Survivability: Managing Uncertainty Amid Crisis (On-Demand)
Facilitated by Steve Zimmerman of Spectrum Nonprofit Services, LLC this presentation will cover topics of 1) understanding organizational cash position, 2) making strategic financial decisions, and 3) how to communicate these issues with stakeholders.
Tools and Tips for Effective Virtual Learning and Engagement (On-Demand)
Join us for a review of virtual learning platforms followed by an interactive youth engagement virtual roundtable. During the roundtable discussion, youth development professionals will share tips and practices for effective virtual youth engagement.
Stress Management for Youth Development Professionals: Caring for the OST Community During COVID-19 (On-Demand)
It’s a simple fact: we’re better able to support children’s well-being once we take time to nourish our own physical and social-emotional health. Though change and uncertainty can magnify stress, knowing simple ways to mitigate these feelings can go a long way in fostering our own personal well-being. Join this interactive session, facilitated by Alliance for a Healthier Generation, that will cover the impacts and response patterns associated with stress, along with practical tips and resources you can share to help all of us maintain our cool even when times are tough.
Conducting Effective Virtual Staff Meetings and Trainings (On-Demand)
In this “new normal,” we have to learn new ways of engaging our staff, colleagues and clients. Join us for this interactive, hands-on webinar, facilitated by GUIDE, Inc., that will teach you how to do just that! Participants will walk away with tools and resources that they can immediately implement in any online staff meeting or training.
Live Virtual Professional Development Opportunities From Our Partners
Thursday Educational Webinars
NAMI Georgia and community partners are offering weekly educational webinars on Thursdays from 12 – 1 pm EST. Webinars are free of charge and all are welcome.
Mental Health Webinars
Join Mental Health America for free webinars on a range of different topics.
Nonprofit Webinars
Provided by Personify Wild Apricot throughout the month of August on topics including volunteer management, grant applications, donor stewardship, online fundraising, diversity, equity and inclusion, and more.
Always Available Virtual Professional Development
The Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality’s Youth Worker Webinar Series
Better Kid Care’s School-Age Professionals Webinars
Child Welfare Training Collaborative’s Trauma and Brain Development 101 Training
National Afterschool Association’s SEL for Kids Starts with the Adults Webinar Series
National Afterschool Association Online Professional Development
Afterschool Alliance Online Professional Development
You for Youth’s Online Professional Learning & Technical Assistance for 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Virtual Learning and Engagement
Resources Youth Development Professionals Can Use to Engage Youth
Mizzen by Mott
Mizzen by Mott is a new app that helps afterschool programs support kids! Get hands-on activities that foster well-being and learning in arts, STEM, storytelling, and more.
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
School-age resources to enhance a child’s daily home schedule with creativity and fun learning.
STEM at Home
Webinars and other resources from STEM Ecosystems to keep children engaged and learning with STEM at Home.
Virtual and In-Person Icebreaker Activities
Kick off your meetings in fun and engaging ways with these icebreaker activities created or collected by GUIDE Inc.
Youth Development Toolbox
Boys and Girls Clubs app offering fun activities and learning opportunities.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta’s Video Series
YouTube series providing youth development tricks and homework help.
Girls Who Code Club
Activities on STEM related topics. (Grades K – 12)
The American Federation of Teachers
A wealth of resources to support activity planning for youth at home.
Daily lesson plans with interactive, video-based learning. (Grades K – 12+)
Creativity Catapult
Activities sorted by age, skills, difficulty, duration, participants, & topics. Free to access, but please note a cost is associated with some activities. (Ages 2 – 14+)
MENTOR The National Mentoring Partnership
Tips for mentors who are newly thrust into the world of text-based mentoring.
CoSN: Consortium for School Networking
Considerations for cybersecurity and privacy before implementing technology-driven alternatives to classroom learning.
Embrace the Mess
Designed to break down the fears and boundaries that prohibit vulnerability and creativity between educators and students.
American Institute of Research
Opportunities for Learning & Development in Out-of-School Time, The Science of Creating Safe, Supportive Environments at Home, and more.
Educating All Learners Alliance
An alliance dedicated to equity for complex learners.
Respectful Ways
FREE access to our online programming to any school or camp in need of digital SEL curriculum. (Grades Pre-K – 12)
Child Trends
A new brief explains how positive youth development programs can more effectively engage with, support, and meet the needs of youth and young adults of color by embedding a racial equity perspective into their work. To do this, the researchers recommend that programs actively recruit and engage youth, young adults, and leadership of color; and ensure that all young people are able to participate in high-quality programs that recognize and develop their strengths.
Online safety guidance and resources for adults managing online activity of youth.
Resources Youth Development Professionals Can Share With Families to Support Youth
Georgia Department of Education
Resources for parents and families and the most up-to-date guidance for school districts.
Strategies for talking to youth about COVID-19:
– PBS Kids: How to Talk to Little Learners about Coronavirus
– Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring Coronavirus
– Child Mind: Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus (English & Spanish)
Georgia Home Classroom
Programming and activities developed by Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Georgia Department of Education. (Grades Pre-K – 12)
The Atlanta Speech School Online Preschool
Free online preschool including sing-a-longs, story time, and enrichment activities.
Free books online, available in English & Spanish. (Grades Pre-K – 3)
Worksheets and Games. (Grades Pre-K – 5)
Fernbank Museum at Home
Educational and entertaining activities and virtual experiences.
ExtendedEd Notes
Activities on topics such as Social Emotional Learning, STEM, physical activity, art & community service.
Zoom PBS Learning Media
Activities on the subjects of chemistry, engineering, physical science, math, art, nature & human biology. (Ages 5 – 13+)
Scholastic Learn at Home
20 days of free daily projects and activities. (Grades Pre-K – 9)
Education platform offering videos, activities, online games, and quizzes to test knowledge.
Cross the Line Time
Resource for leading group discussions for people working remotely or families who have kids at home.
Georgia Public Libraries
Libraries by county offering virtual programming and a temporary digital library card.
National Geographic
Educational resources for students. Activities are mapped by grade and subjects. (Grades K – 12)
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Strong4Life’s resources for families including tips for healthy coping strategies, how to prevent injury during social distancing, expert advice by age, and more.
Respectful Ways
SEL materials in English and Spanish for parents and guardians to support trauma-sensitive environments.
Mental Health
Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)
COVID-19 guidance & resources.
Ways to cope with stress during this time.
Mental Health First Aid
How to help someone with anxiety or depression during COVID-19.
Mental Health America of Georgia
Crisis lines, webinars, and related information for coping during COVID-19.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Mental health guidance, advice, resources, and programs during COVID-19.
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)
Information and FAQs about mental health and COVID-19.
Mayo Clinic
Learn ways to cope during this pandemic.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
A selection of web pages and information sheets on mental health and coping with the effects of COVID-19.
American Medical Association
Strategies and resources to manage your own mental well-being while also caring for others during this pandemic.
Psych Hub
Free resource hub of the nation’s most credible mental health organizations to help people address their mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
GSAN Forum: COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Slides From Past Forums
January 13, 2021 (Afterschool in COVID-19 Relief and FY2021 Omnibus Spending Bills)
Virtual Platforms
As you consider how your program serves and engages with youth virtually, be sure to consider online safety and privacy of your work.
Hold virtual meetings, video webinars, & conference rooms. Free and paid plans available. If using Zoom with youth, be sure to check out this blog post on how to best utilize the platform’s privacy functions.
Free Conference Call
Audio and video conferencing.
iCouldBe from MENTOR
For existing mentor/mentee relationships only. If interested, please complete this Participant Interest Form. (Ages 13+)
Google Classroom
Post updates, small and large group chats and video meetings. Free with a Gmail account.
Post activities and videos, individual and group messaging with teachers.
Record videos of activities and lessons. Free and paid plans.
New Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service if you are approved by May 13, 2020.
See Saw
Supporting students, teachers, and families with remote learning.
Free virtual platform to engage youth. Students can showcase and share their learning by adding photos and videos to their own portfolios.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs
Current map of locations of public wi-fi options in Georgia, offered by state and local governments, public libraries, telecommunications cooperatives, and other WiFi providers.
Smart Mobile Education Technology
Technology devices and support services that keep students connected and learning.