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Funding Opportunities

On October 22nd, afterschool programs from across the state will celebrate the positive impacts that Georgia’s afterschool programs have on youth’s lives, while Georgia’s families, communities, and leaders will be invited visit afterschool programs where they can meet staff members, engage with students and witness the quality learning that Georgia’s afterschool programs provide.

We recommend checking out places in your local community, such as:

Grant Guidance & Tips

Grant Makers and Thought Leaders on Out-of-School Time

Grantmakers for Education’s Out-of-School Time (OST) Funder Network gathered insights from a diverse group of stakeholders on questions such as: what is the status of the OST field? What are the key challenges that remain? Where should grantmakers direct limited philanthropic resources? This brief report shares the results they found.


Former Funding Opportunities

Local/State Grants

North Georgia EMC Community Round Up

Nonprofit charitable organizations and government organizations who operate within the seven counties served by NGEMC (Catoosa, Chattooga, Gordon, Floyd, Murray, Walker, and Whitfield) may apply for grants to be used for specific projects.

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

Deadline: February 29 (Next deadline: July 1)

Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia

The Community Foundation of NE Georgia will make grants to nonprofit organizations serving the northeast Georgia region. The Foundation Grants Committee will consider sustaining grants up to $5,000 and impact grants up to $25,000 with priority given to challenge grants. Funding priorities in 2016 will remain focused on Children and Youth and the Elderly in our community. Grant applications should focus specifically on facility and equipment needs that will help further your mission and enhance the sustainability of your organization. Deadline is February 29, 2016.

Award Amount: up to $25,000

Deadline: February 29, 2016

Tull Charitable Foundation

The Tull Foundation prefers to make grants that will have a significant and lasting impact on an organization as well as its community. Priority is given to grant requests that: are framed within the context of the organization’s strategic plan and that result in enhanced organizational capacity; enable the organization to expand its impact on important community needs; and are cost-effective. Awards are limited to charitable organizations based in the State of Georgia. An applicant organization must be exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Award Amount:  Award amounts vary

Deadline: March 1 (Next deadlines: June 1 & September 1, 2016)

GFBA 2016 Capital and Community Investment Grant

The Capital and Community Investment Grant from the Georgia Food Bank Association seeks to help increase the ability of community organizations to feed more children through USDA Federal Nutrition programs during the summer and after school through capital purchases and investments that help increase an organization’s capacity to serve more children.

Award Amount:  $3,000-$10,000

Deadline: March 4

Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia

 Grants are awarded to help fund projects designed to solve problems and make the communities of Northwest Georgia better places to live, work, and play. Applicants must be in one of the following counties: Bartow, Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Dade, Fannin, Floyd, Gilmer, Gordon, Murray, Pickens, or Whitfield.

Award Amount:  Award amounts vary

Deadline: March 31 (Next deadline: October 1)

David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund

The David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund – Atlanta makes grants to qualified 501(c)(3) organizations in Georgia and neighboring states. Grants are focused on capital projects and educational programs demonstrating enhanced graduation rates.

Award Amount:  Award amounts vary

Deadline: April 1 (Next deadline: September 1)

The Cullum Foundation

The Cullum Foundation seeks to help alleviate suffering or want and support programs or services assisting the education of young people, the support and maintenance of churches, and the improvement or relief from disease of needy persons. The Cullum Foundation makes grants to qualified 501(c)(3) organizations primarily in Augusta, Georgia and other cities in Richmond County, Georgia.

Award Amount:  Award amounts vary

Deadline: April 1

The Common Good Funds of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

The Community Foundation’s commitment to strengthening and supporting our region’s nonprofit sector includes more than giving financial grants. The Community Foundation’s Common Good Funds will provide resources for professional and organizational development of nonprofit organizations and their staff members. Applicants must be in one of the following counties: Barrow, Bartow, Butts, Carroll, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Morgan, Newton, Paulding, Pickens, Rockdale, Spalding, or Walton.

Award Amount:  Award amounts vary

Deadline: Letter of Intent due April 15th

Wells Fargo Metro Atlanta Grants

Priority areas include financial literacy, programs that work to eliminate the achievement gap in public education, access to and participation in cultural experiences for low- and moderate-income individuals, and programs that ensure access to health education programs and quality health care.  Counties served by the metro Atlanta Wells Fargo grant program are Butts, Clayton, Cobb, Dawson, DeKalb, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Haralson, Heard, Henry, Jasper, Lamar, Pike, and Rockdale.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: May 1 (Next deadline: August 1)

Community Foundation of Central Georgia

The Dunlap Williamson Youmans Fund will seek to help the needs of today’s society and to anticipate emerging issues that may become major concerns in the future. Areas of particular interest include: Healthcare Initiatives; Educational Development; Family Services; & Youth Welfare. Grant applicants must be qualified 501(c)(3) organizations whose principal offices are located in Bibb County, Georgia and the contiguous counties.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: May 1 & November 1 (annually)

The North Georgia Community Foundation

The Community Foundation is  interested in those organizations that can demonstrate they have planned their projects in light of overall community need and that similar projects by other organizations do not duplicate the proposed services. Grant applications are accepted from non-profit organizations whose primary office is located in one of the following counties which comprise the Community Foundation’s service area: Banks, Dawson, Fannin, Forsyth, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, Union, or White. Complete an application letter and return it, along with the following documents, to the Community Foundation after April 1 and before June 15. 

Award Amount:  $1,500 -3,000

Deadline: June 15

The Community Foundation of Central Georgia

The Community Foundation of Central Georgia aims to further the ability of community-based charitable organizations to meet the needs of the residents of this region.  Through its Community Grant Program, CFCG will consider applications for projects designed to improve the quality of life in central Georgia. Most award money is currently restricted to Bibb County.  There is limited funding available for other counties in Central Georgia including: Baldwin, Bleckley, Butts, Coffee, Crawford, Dodge, Houston, Jasper, Jones, Lamar, Laurens, Monroe, Peach, Pulaski, Putnam, Spalding, Taylor, Twiggs, Upson, and Wilkinson.

Award Amount:  Up to $25,000

Deadline: June 30 (Next deadline: December 31)

Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente offers multiple areas of grant opportunities. Funding priority areas in GA are Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension/Stroke, Mental Health, HIV/AIDS, STDs, Cancer, Teen Pregnancy, Low Birth Weight, Asthma, and Educational Attainment.  Applicants must be located in one of the following counties: Barrow, Bartow, Bibb, Bleckley, Butts, Carroll, Chattahoochee, Cherokee, Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, Crawford, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Haralson, Harris, Heard, Henry, Houston, Jones, Lamar, Laurens, Madison, Marion, Meriwether, Monroe, Muscogee, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Peach, Pickens, Pike, Pulaski, Rockdale, Spalding, Twiggs, and Walton.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: July 19

The Cleon W. Mauldin Foundation

The Cleon W. Mauldin Foundations seeks to promote the arts in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) of Georgia and South Carolina by supporting arts education programs as well as music, dance, and ballet organizations. Grants are restricted to charitable organizations located in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) in the following counties: Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, Glascock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Screven, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes.

Award Amount: Average grant size of $5,000-$10,000

Deadline: August 1

Wells Fargo Greater Georgia Grants

Wells Fargo supports organizations and programs that: eliminate the pre-K – 12th grade achievement gap in public education through curriculum-based or school-sponsored programs, facilitate merit-based access to higher education for underrepresented groups, access to and participation in cultural experiences for low- and moderate-income individuals, availability of a broad array of artistic opportunities and venues that reflect the community, and ensure access to health education programs and quality health care. Grants will be made to organizations in the following counties: Aiken, Baldwin, Banks, Barnwell, Barrow, Bartow, Ben Hill, Bibb, Bleckley, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Carroll, Catoosa, Chatham, Chattahoochee, Chattooga, Cherokee, Clarke, Coffee, Columbia, Coweta, Crawford, Crisp, Dade, Dodge, Dooly, Dougherty, Douglas, Edgefield, Effingham, Floyd, Forsyth, Glascock, Glynn, Gordon, Greene, Habersham, Hall, Harris, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Jones, Laurens, Lee, Liberty, Long, Lumpkin, Macon, Madison, Marion, McDuffie, McIntosh, Meriwether, Monroe, Morgan, Murray, Muscogee, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Peach, Polk, Pulaski, Richmond, Russell, Schley, Spalding, Sumter, Talbot, Telfair, Terrell, Troup, Twiggs, Union, Walker, Walton, Warren, Washington, Webster, White, Whitfield, Wilcox, or Wilkinson.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: August 1 (recommended)

Community Foundation of Fort Valley

The Community Foundation of Fort Valley’s Community Grant Program requires that interested organizations submit applications by the deadline each year.  Grants will be made only to organizations for projects in Fort Valley, GA and the immediate surrounding area.  CFFV will consider applications from higher education institutions and faith-based organizations for non-sectarian, community outreach programs. 

Award Amount: The average grant amount is $2,500. 

Deadline:  August 15th.

Community Foundation of Coffee County

Grants will be made only to organizations for projects in Coffee County and the immediate surrounding area.  Organizations that receive funding through the Community Grant Program will not be eligible to apply to the Community Grant Program for the following year.  CFCC encourages organizations to use this grant in applying for matching funds to maximize the funding potential.

Award Amount:  Up to $3,000.

Deadline: August 15th.

The Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation

The Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation’s Community Grant Program requires that interested organizations submit applications by the summer deadline each year.  Grants will be made only to organizations for projects in Barnesville, Lamar County, and the immediate surrounding area.

Award Amount: Up to $2,000

Deadline: August 15

Whitehead (Joseph B.) Foundation

The Whitehead Foundation supports organizations that provide the full range of basic human services that benefit children and youth in metropolitan Atlanta. A special focus is given to early childhood development programs. Organizations which seek Foundation support are invited to make an informal inquiry before submitting a proposal.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: September 1

Woodruff (Robert W.) Foundation

The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation’s principal giving interests are focused on education, health care and human services, particularly for children and youth. Grants generally are limited to tax-exempt public charities and selected governmental agencies located and operating in Georgia. **The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, Inc. shares offices and administrative staff with the Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation, Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Lettie Pate Evans Foundation, Ichauway, Inc. and the Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center Fund. Grant inquiries or proposals submitted to the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation may also be considered by one or more of the foundations sharing this common administrative arrangement. It is not necessary to communicate separately with more than one of these foundations in seeking information or requesting grant support.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: September 1

 The Rotary Education Foundation of Atlanta

The Rotary Club of Atlanta’s priority is to promote literacy programs for kindergarten through eighth grade students in the Metro Atlanta area.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: October 15th

Malone Family Foundation

The Malone Family Foundation primarily, but not solely, focuses on programs and projects that expand the horizons of and opportunities for children and young adults. Those programs and projects whose direct objectives are providing better education, promoting self-esteem and instilling in its beneficiaries a desire to improve oneself are of great interest to the Foundation. The Foundation concentrates on 501(c)(3), non-profit organizations that provide programs and projects designed to prevent or solve problems and create opportunities, rather than meet basic needs.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: November 15

Youth Service Fund of the Atlanta Rotary Club

The purpose of the Fund is to promote education, recreation, training and vocational guidance, in a campership setting, to the underprivileged boys and girls in Metro Atlanta.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: December 1

The Atlanta Chapter of the Awesome Foundation

The Atlanta Chapter of the Awesome Foundation’s grants support projects in sciences, arts, education, civic engagement, media, and entertainment — just about anything as long as it contributes to making Atlanta more AWESOME!And guess what – 501c3 status is not a requirement! The grants can go to groups, individuals, small non-profit organizations, almost any entity. We fund grants every month EXCEPT July and December.

Award Amount: $1,000

Deadline: Monthly

Goizueta Foundation

The Goizueta Foundation provides support for non-profit organizations in Georgia that empower individuals and families through educational opportunities to improve the quality of their lives. If you feel your organization is a fit for this funding, complete out the organizational overview on the Foundation website to be invited to apply for a grant. Applicants must be in one of the following counties: Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, or Rockdale.

Award Amount: $15,000 +

Deadline: Rolling

Snyder’s Lance

Snyder’s Lance supports programs that are focused on initiatives tied to Hunger or Education. Applicants must be non-profit of 501C-3 and be in Chattahoochee, Harris, Lee, Meriwether, Muscogee, Russell, or Talbot.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling


National Grants

Saucony Run for Good Foundation

The Saucony Run For Good Foundation is committed to informing the public about the cause and prevention of childhood obesity and provides funding to optimize the impact and success of community organizations that promote running and healthy-lifestyle programs for youth. Approximately 10-20 grants are awarded each year. Nonprofit organizations that demonstrate the program positively impacts the lives of participants through their increased participation in running are eligible to apply. Applications due February 1 & August 1, annually

Award Amount: $10,000

Deadline: February 1 (Next Deadline: August 1)

Just Energy Foundation

Just Energy Foundation invests in programs that align with Just Energy’s values of integrity, innovation, responsibility, enrichment and excellence. The Just Energy Foundation will consider funding for Canadian/U.S. registered charities or non-profit organizations for programs that use funds within Canada or the U.S.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling

Brinker Interantional

Brinker International supports projects which provide direct and immediate relief to the community, customers, and employees in areas where they operate various restaurants. Their main areas of giving are health, social services, arts and education. Program Areas include After-School, Arts, Community Involvement/Volunteerism, Early Childhood, General Education, Health/PE, Math, and Reading. Organization must be a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Submit a request at any time, but at least 6 weeks prior to an event.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling

Children’s Obesity Fund

The Children’s Obesity Fund seeks to educate parents and children about the rising obesity rates in America, reverse the statistics and dangerous trends, and help prevent the next generation from continuing down this alarmingly unhealthy road. The fund would like to give money and support nonprofit organizations who share the goal of eliminating the epidemic of childhood obesity.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling

Justin J. Watt Foundation

The Justin J. Watt Foundation mission is to provide after school athletic opportunities for middle school aged children. Funding to be used for uniforms; safety equipment like helmets, pads, and wrestling or cheerleading mats; balls, bats, nets, and other equipment vital to the sport; and storage equipment. Applications are reviewed quarterly (March, June, September, and December).

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling

Lids Foundation

With a mission to support young people in our communities, the LIDS Foundation works to engage them in sports-related activities. These activities promote active and healthy lifestyles as well as leadership and growth opportunities. The LIDS Foundation turns this belief into action primarily through offering resources, be it in the manner of time, expertise, funds, or materials, to non-profit organizations whose goals and values align with those of the LIDS Foundation.

Award Amount: $1,000 – $5,000

Deadline: Rolling

Harry Chapin Foundation

The Harry Chapin Foundation will fund only 501(c)(3) not for profit programs that operate in the United States that fall within the areas of: Community Education Programs, Arts-In-Education Programs or Agricultural and Environmental Programs. Grant sizes range from a few hundred dollars to our maximum of $10,000. The Foundation Board meets three times a year on an as needed basis.

Award Amount: up to $10,000

Deadline: rolling

RGK Foundation

The Austin-based RGK Foundation invites proposals in the broad areas of education, community, and health and medicine. Youth development programs supported by the Foundation typically include after-school educational enrichment programs that supplement and enhance formal education systems to increase the chances for successful outcomes in school and life. All applicants must complete an electronic Letter of Inquiry from the Web site as the first step to apply. Foundation staff reviews electronic Letters of Inquiry on an ongoing basis.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: Rolling (Letter of Inquiry Required)

Major League Baseball

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association designed to promote and enhance the growth of youth participation in baseball and softball. Grants are intended to finance a new program, expand or improve an existing program, undertake a new collaborative effort, or obtain facilities or equipment necessary for youth baseball or softball programs.

Award Amount: $39,000 Average

Deadline: April 1 (Next Deadlines: July 1, October 1, January 1)

The Finish Line Youth Foundation

The Finish Line Youth Foundation supports youth programs that are effective and inclusive, funding opportunities for participation in youth programs that place an importance on youth development and an active lifestyle. Grants generally range from $1,000 to $5,000, although the Foundation may occasionally make significant, larger grants to maximize funding impact in its interest areas. Applications will be accepted on a quarterly basis.

Award Amount: $1,000 – $5,000

Deadline: Rolling

Child Welfare Foundation

Grants are available to contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children through the dissemination of knowledge about new and innovative organizations and/or their programs designed to benefit youth. Grants must have the potential of helping American children in a large geographic area (more than one state). Grants are awarded only to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Applications are accepted from May 1 to be postmarked no later than July 15, of the current year.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary

Deadline: July 15

The Coca-Cola Foundation

The Coca-Cola Foundation aims to make a greater impact on the communities Coca-Cola serves around the world by being responsive to the citizenship priorities of the communities in which we live and work. The Coca-Cola Foundation is interested in funding organizations in these areas: Water stewardship, healthy active living, community recycling, and education. Healthy active living includes providing access to exercise, physical activity and nutritional education programs.

Award Amount: Award amount varies

Deadline: Rolling

The American Honda Foundation Grants

The American Honda Foundation supports youth education with a specific focus on the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects in addition to the environment.  Nonprofit charitable organizations classified as a 501(c) (3) public charity by the Internal Revenue Service, or a public school district, private/public elementary and secondary schools as listed by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Award Amount: $20,000 to $75,000

Deadline: February 1 (Next deadlines: May 1, August 1, and November 1)

Dollar General Literacy Foundation’s Summer Reading Grants

Summer Reading Grants from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation provide funding to local nonprofit organizations and libraries to help with the implementation or expansion of summer reading programs. Programs must target Pre-K through 12th grade students who are below grade level readers or readers with learning disabilities.

Award Amount: Up to $3,000

Deadline: February 25

Stringed Instruments Grant

Classics for Kids Foundation aims to bridge the funding gap and enhance school music programs by providing matching grants for beautiful new stringed instruments.

Deadline: March 31 (Next deadlines: June 30, September 30, and December 31)

Award: Varies

The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation

The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation offers Academic Enrichment Grants designed to develop in-class and extra-curricular programs that improve student learning. The Foundation considers proposals that foster understanding, deepen students’ knowledge, and provide opportunities to expand awareness of the world around them.

Deadline: April 15

Award: Up to $30,000 over a three-year period

Dollar General Literacy Foundation’s Youth Literacy Grants

Youth Literacy Grants from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation provide funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations to help students who are below grade level or experiencing difficulty reading. Grant funding is provided to assist in the following areas: implementing new or expanding existing literacy programs, purchasing new technology or equipment to support literacy initiatives, or purchasing books, materials or software for literacy programs.

Award Amount: Up to $4,000

Deadline: May 19

U.S. Soccer Foundation’s Safe Places to Play Grants

Safe Places to Play Grants support soccer programs and field-building initiatives nationwide. Grants are provided to support all aspects of the beautiful game – from assisting programs with operational costs to creating Safe Places to Play.

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

Deadline: Letter of Intent due May 27 (Next deadline: September 30)

U.S. Soccer Foundation’s Program Grants

Program grants from the U.S. Soccer Foundation support soccer programs and field-building initiatives nationwide. Grants are provided to support equipment and operating expenses.

Award Amount: Up to $50,000

Deadline: October 7

Wish You Well Foundation

The Wish You Well Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations that promote family literacy in the United States. The focus of the foundation’s grantmaking is on the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs.

Deadline: Rolling

Award: $200–$10,000

The Fender Music Foundation Grant

The Fender Music Foundation awards instruments and equipment to eligible music instruction programs. The Fender Music Foundation awards traditional instruments only to music instruction programs that are part of 501c3 organizations or public schools in the United States. To qualify as a music instruction program, participants must be learning how to make music. Participants can be of any age. The application process involves two steps. Please note that both of these steps must be completed within 24 hours in order for your program to be considered for a grant.

Deadline: Rolling

Award: Traditional Instruments

WaysToHelp.org Grants for Youth

WaysToHelp.org invites teens in the United States to apply for grants to fund their community service ideas across any one of 16 issue areas. You can apply for a grant, by visiting www.waystohelp.org and for any issue area, selecting “See Ways To Help” followed by “Apply for a Grant”. Applications are short – just 5,000 words or less – and should summarize: how the project will involve others, who it will help, what effect it’s expected to have, when it will start and how the funds will be used. Grant requests are reviewed and responded to on a monthly basis.

Deadline: Rolling

Award: Up to $500

Dizzy Feet Foundation

DFF makes grants to community organizations and other tax-exempt entities in the United States, which provide dance education programs to children in low-income areas and disadvantaged communities. Through its grant recipients, DFF seeks to give children the experience of dance, to educate them about the many styles of dance, and to expose them to the lifelong benefits of dance. Our goals are to increase access to dance educatio, increase appreciation for dance, spread and share the benefits and joy of dance, particularly to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience it, and support high-quality dance education through the community programs we fund.

Deadline: Rolling

Award: Up to $20,000

Captain Planet Foundation Grants

Grants from the Captain Planet Foundation are intended to provide hands-on environmental stewardship opportunities for youth. Captain Planet Foundation primarily makes grants to U.S.-based schools and organizations with an annual operating budget of less than $3 million.  

Deadline: Rolling

Award: $500-$2,500

Charles Lafitte Foundation Education, Children’s Advocacy, and Arts Grants

The Charles Lafitte Foundation’s education grant program focuses on aiding students with learning disabilities, targeting at-risk populations, and offering quality programming using innovative methods. Their children’s advocacy programs focuses on targeting issues like out-of-time programming, child abuse, adequate foster housing, literacy, and hunger. Their arts grant program focuses on providing educational programs that encourage children’s creativity, cultivating new talent, and furthering  equal access to the arts.

Deadline: Rolling

Award: Award amounts vary