Afterschool and summer learning programs need passionate supporters across Georgia to advocate for increased awareness and support at the federal, state, and local levels. We must advance, connect, and support high quality afterschool and summer learning programs to promote the success of youth throughout Georgia.
What Nonprofits Need to Know About Lobbying in Georgia Alliance for Justice
Advocacy vs. Lobbying Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network
Legislator Site Visit Toolkit Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network
Find Your Legislator Georgia General Assembly
Afterschool for All Challenge Afterschool Alliance
Engaging Elected Officials At Summer Meals Sites Webinar No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices
Summer Meals Outreach Resource Toolkit No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices
Tools for Effective Advocacy Bolder Advocacy
Know the Legislative Process and Players Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest
Every Day Advocacy Resources National Council of Nonprofits
Expanding Afterschool Opportunities Action Tool Kit National League of Cities
This action kit illustrates how municipal leaders can craft a strategy to expand afterschool opportunities, and in the process, advance the goals of public safety, academic achievement, and youth development in their communities.
Supporting Student Learning with ESSER Funding Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network
A tool to encourage LEAs to consider how ESSER funds may be used for afterschool and summer learning programs to support student learning.
Holistic Ways ESSER Funds Can Combat Learning Loss Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network
A framework for holistic ways ESSER Funds can be used to address learning loss.