Home > Resources > Stimulus Funds Toolkit

On March 11, 2021 President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law, putting nearly $2 trillion into all facets of the American economy. This legislation allocates approximately $122 billion to public education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER, or in this case ESSER III since it is the third round of relief funding), including $4.25 billion for public education and $84 million for afterschool and summer learning in Georgia. This is an incredible opportunity and the funding we need to reimagine the future for our kids and all Georgians. We must seize this moment to build something sustainable and communal.  


With these funds, we can take an enormous step closer to reaching every kid in Georgia through high-quality programming and doing it in a way that engages whole communities. Together we can design and implement youth- and family-centric supports that will catch up those kids who most need us right now. With a collaborative, coordinated effort to advocate at the local, regional, and statewide levels, we can invest in community partnerships to build a sustainable ecosystem of support for whole child development and whole communities. 


GSAN developed and continues to update this webpage as a toolkit to support all Georgia youth development providers in advocating for funded partnerships with their local school districts. We recommend using this toolkit in the order of sections below or you can expand specific sections relevant to your current advocacy efforts. As always, GSAN is here to support you. We would love to learn more about your local outreach efforts and hear what would be most helpful for you at this time. Please email us at info@afterschoolga.org to connect or request additional guidance. 


This toolkit was adapted from an original toolkit created by  TXPOST (Texas Partnership for Out of School Time), a member of the 50 State Afterschool Network.